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Girls’ Essentials Kit Program

Our Girls' Essentials Kit Program ensures that girls have access to vital hygiene and health supplies, promoting their well-being, dignity, and confidence. By addressing these basic needs, we remove barriers to education and personal development, enabling girls to focus on their studies and pursue their dreams without the burden of insecurity or stigma.

Rising Queen Kit

Providing girls with comprehensive care kits including menstrual hygiene products such as sanitary pads, tampons, menstrual cups, along with personal care essentials like soap, shampoo, toothpaste, and toothbrushes. These kits are supplemented with educational materials on menstrual health, hygiene, and proper personal care practices, aiming to promote awareness, destigmatize menstruation, and encourage healthy habits among girls. Additionally, ensuring girls have the tools needed to support their educational endeavors and academic success by providing essential school supplies such as notebooks, pens, pencils, backpacks, calculators, rulers, and geometry sets.
Our "Girls’ Essentials Kit" program extends a helping hand to over 100 girls/year and aims to empower them by providing essen

Girls Mental Health Support

Our "Girls’ Essentials Kit" program extends a helping hand to over 100 girls/year and aims to empower them by providing essen
Not only do we provide stress-relief toys, mindfulness activities, and relaxation techniques to enhance their well-being, but we also offer vital counseling services and support groups. Plus, we organize tailored awareness events to build a strong, supportive community and spread mental health awareness. Your donation can make a profound difference in the lives of these girls. Together, let's create a brighter future!
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